Table of Contents

Jodi Rudell
Secretary, 2019–22
- Wyoming
A life-long resident of Wyoming, Jodi enjoys the outdoors and traveling to new places. She is a mother of two beautiful, smart girls and a wife to her wonderful husband Jim. She and their two daughters have Von Willebrand’s Disease and Jim is a non-symptomatic carrier. Since their diagnoses, she has made it her life’s passion to advocate and help similar families and those yet to be diagnosed. “I am proud to serve this chapter as a member of the advocacy and women’s program committees and welcome any questions or comments for me and/or our chapter.”

Travis Bruyere
Treasurer, 2019–22
- Montana
Travis is a proud graduate of the University of Wyoming with a background in business management. With his wife, Emily, they have four children and have lived in Montana for over a decade. His hobbies include golfing, backpacking, and following all types of sports, both professional and collegiate. As the Vice President of Sales for Avitus Group Companies, he works directly with a sales force and organizations that want to focus on why they got into business. Although not directly affected by hemophilia, the need for advocacy and awareness regarding the disease in the Rocky Mountain region has been the reason Travis chose to be involved in this organization.

Nicohl Fowler
- Montana
Nicohl is a wife and mother of three children, and the four of them have von Willebrands disease. As she shares, “Since moving to Montana, a little over three years ago, RMHBDA welcomed my family and I into the community with open arms. To say it felt like home would be an understatement, and I can’t thank everyone enough for that! We love being a part of this chapter’s wonderful community of people. I want and hope to give as much back to RMHBDA, and the community it serves, as they have given and continue to give to us. I am truly honored to serve on the board of directors!”

Laura Poitra
- Bozeman
Laura, her husband and two children have been active members of RMBDHA since 2012. In 2011 Laura’s son was unexpectedly diagnosed with Severe Hemophilia A. He was nine months old at the time and bleeding disorders were unknown to her and her family. Through connection with an HTC, engagement in educational opportunities and support from the RMHBDA community, they were able to find a new normal. Because of this experience and the tremendous benefit the association has been to both her family and the friends she’s met along the way, Laura is honored to volunteer as an RMBDA board member. Laura and her family live in Kalispell Montana where she is a primary care clinic manager for Logan Health Medical Center, formally known as Kalispell Regional Medical Center. In her free time, she enjoys spending time outdoors hiking, camping, fishing, biking, and gardening with her family and friends. Laura is thrilled to bring both her professional and personal knowledge to the board and honored to give back to RMHBDA and the bleeding disorders community.
Contact Info
1627 West Main Street, #142
Bozeman, Montana 59715